A podcast
about data and artificial intelligence
Hello and welcome to Totally Skewed, the podcast devoted to everything Data and AI.
We are looking to put the world to rights, cut through the hype, give you the opinionated view of the state of tech and try to see if we are indeed, all totally skewed.
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Tori Tompkins
Tori is a Senior Data Science Consultant at Advancing Analytics who has worked on a variety of machine learning and data science projects. As a Founder of Girls Code Too UK, she is passionate about achieving gender parity in Tech and AI.
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Craig Porteous
Husband, Dad | Data Platform MVP | Principal Data Engineering Consultant | DATA:Scotland event founder | Glasgow Data UG organiser | He/Him.
I bring data and automation together. I love to learn and share what I learn with the technical community. I enjoy running and live for my family. He/Him
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Music from #Uppbeat:
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